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Getting a new website to appear on Google

Launching a website does not automatically guarantee your site will appear in Google search listings. You can take a few steps to help Google know your website exists and encourage it to add your site to the index.

01. Create a Google Search Console account

  1. Create a Search Console account
  2. Add Property
  3. Choose property type (usually Domain)

02. Submit a sitemap in Google Search Console

From your website

Every site we build includes the Yoast SEO plugin. Yoast SEO automatically creates a sitemap folder, usually located at

  1. Find and copy your sitemap address

From Google Search Console

  1. Login to your Search Console account
  2. Go to Sitemaps (in the sidebar)
  3. Add/paste a new sitemap
  4. Submit

It will take Google time to see your sitemap and then visit your website to index it.