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School of Language, Trinity College Dublin

A comprehensive database of poetry found in the Cairo Genizah.

Arabic Poetry in the Cairo Genizah


Web Design
Web Development
Custom Database
WordPress Web Hosting


School of Language, Trinity College Dublin


Since 2021

Trinity College Dublin approached us to create a comprehensive database of Arabic and Judaeo-Arabic poetry found in the Cairo Genizah.

The project, led by Dr. Mohamed Ahmed and in collaboration with the University of Cambridge, aimed to make the poetry accessible to academic scholars and the general public while also revealing hidden aspects of the social and cultural history of the Jews in the Middle East.

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The website utilizes a minimalist design aesthetic to create a clean and uncluttered user experience.

  • UI & UX: A user-friendly interface that was easy to navigate and provided a seamless user experience.
  • Web Design: A visually appealing design that effectively reflected the project’s goals and utilized a minimalist aesthetic to create a clean and uncluttered look.
  • Web Development: The content management system allows staff members to add and update poetry fragments easily.
  • WordPress Web Hosting: Hosting for the website ensures it is accessible to users at all times.
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The final website was a success and received positive feedback

The website serves as a comprehensive database.

Poetry found in the Cairo Genizah is now easily accessible to academic scholars and the general public. Visual presentation, transcription and English translation allow people to appreciate the poetry and fully understand its historical context.

The result is a website that beautifully blends simplicity and elegance.

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