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20 Point Checklist for Launching a WordPress Website

We carry out most of our work by following a pre defined process for that specific task. When we are launching a WordPress website we have an extensive checklist that we follow. Having a checklist means we can make sure the same level of detail and attention is given to every single project. This is turn makes website launches more predictable and makes our deliverables more accurate.

So today we are sharing a slimmed down version of our own in-house client WordPress website launch checklist that you can follow for your own WordPress website. The checklist is broken into 2 separate lists. Essential is for everyone. Advanced is suitable for people who have coding skills or you can send the advanced part onto your developer to carry out.

If you already have a WordPress website this list can be helpful to make sure you have everything setup correctly.


  1. Set admin email to the client’s email address
  2. Set timezone to your country
  3. Change permalinks to “Post name”
  4. Create any additional user accounts for WordPress
  5. Make sure “Search Engine Visibility” is unchecked and not discouraged
  6. Install WordPress SEO by Yoast
  7. If a website redesign install Redirection plugin to manage 301 redirects
  8. Install any additional plugins needed
  9. Delete un-needed plugins
  10. Delete all un-needed themes


  1. Remove all absolute URLs and use <?php bloginfo(‘wpurl’); ?> instead
  2. Create a 404 page for any broken links (essential for website redesigns)
  3. Create a Fav icon
  4. Minify CSS and JavaScript to improve load time
  5. Insert Google Analytics tracking code directly after the <body> tag
  6. Check all website pages using the W3C Validator at
  7. Install and configure W3 Total Cache plugin
  8. Browser testing (IE, Firefox, Chrome, Safari)
  9. Device testing (desktop, tablet and mobile)
  10. Backup theme and WordPress database (.sql and .xml)


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